The Hidden Costs of Booleans

Discover the hidden costs of using Boolean values in programming when business logic changes demand a third state. This blog post explores the extensive efforts needed for refactoring — from database migrations to frontend logic adjustments — and highlights the importance of correct data modeling with enums to maintain efficient software.

In the ever-evolving landscape of software development, the selection of data types may seem like a minor detail in the broader context of programming. Yet, it’s often these small decisions that can lead to significant future challenges or successes. This article focuses on the seemingly simple choice of using Boolean values in programming and the hidden costs that can emerge when business logic evolves.

Booleans: A Double-Edged Sword

Booleans are often viewed as the most basic building block, representing the binary state of a condition: true or false, yes or no, on or off. However, this binary representation can become a problem in the dynamic world of software development. The complexity of emerging business logic often cannot be constrained to just two states.

Imagine a scenario where you’re developing software for a cup production facility. This facility produces cups in various sizes, each requiring a different tool for the manufacturing machine. When a new cup shape is designed, a new tool must be built. To keep track of the tools that are already available and the ones that still need to be built, you introduce a Boolean field is_missing for these tools, which is true if they still need to be built and false if they already in stock. Simple, right? Several months later, the business decides to outsource tool production to an external company. This requires you to add yet another state to track tools that are not in stock, but already ordered. Suddenly, your binary system is inadequate.

But what about just adding another Boolean `on_order`?

This may sound convenient at first sight, but now suddenly there are four possible states, although we only wanted to add one more case:

  • missing and not on order
  • missing and on order
  • in stock and not on order
  • in stock and on order <— unintended state

This situation opens the door for unusual bugs to occur. For example, when multiple systems manipulate these Boolean values, it’s possible to inadvertently reach the unintended fourth state, which is not adequately handled within our application.

This can be prevented by making the impossible states impossible to reach in the first place and using an enum with three states instead.

The Cost of Change

The introduction of a third state requires significant changes to your codebase and database. This shift is not a minor adjustment but a fundamental restructuring of how your application processes and represents data. We will explore the specific changes required:

  • Database Migrations: The Boolean field in your database needs to be converted into an enumeration (enum) to accommodate the new state. This change goes beyond merely altering a data type, it represents a paradigm shift in data representation and validation.

  • API Adjustments: APIs interfacing with this data require updates. Parameters and return types previously Boolean must be modified, affecting both your backend code and any external systems that interact with your APIs.

  • Frontend Logic Overhaul: The user interface, previously designed to toggle between two states, must now accommodate and manage an additional option. This could impact forms, filters, search functionality, and beyond.

  • Condition Logic Rewrite: Any logic relying on the Boolean value requires thorough review. Conditional statements, data validation, and business logic previously based on a binary assumption must be reconsidered and revised.

The effort required for these changes is substantial. Each layer of your application stack, from the database to the user interface, must be painstakingly adjusted and tested to ensure the new state integrates seamlessly.

A Simple Refactor, What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

Exploring an inventory management system for the manufacturing company previously discussed reveals the challenges of evolving software systems. Initially, the system employed a Boolean is_missing to denote whether a tool was absent (true) or in stock (false). With the growth of the company came the need to introduce another state for tools that, while not currently in stock, had been ordered and were expected to arrive imminently, termed as “on order”.

Originally, the logic for scheduling production was pretty straightforward:

/** initial logic */
if tool.is_missing {
} else {

This approach served its purpose until the binary nature of the system no longer matched the complexity of real-world operations.

Transitioning to a ToolAvailability enum with values Missing, InStock, and OnOrder seems like the logical next step. However, the direct refactoring approach retained the binary decision-making framework:

/** flawed logic after adding new state */
enum ToolAvailability {

if tool.availability == ToolAvailability::Missing {
} else {

While appearing to be a straightforward solution, this refactoring did not account for the new OnOrder state, inadvertently leading to potential operational inefficiencies. Now a specific production could be scheduled preemptively while the tool is still missing.

Even though an experienced developer would have probably spotted this issue during the refactor in advance, in a big codebase where this change affects different business logic in multiple files, it becomes more and more likely that an issue like this is overseen.

The Underestimated Value of Strong Typing in Refactoring

Addressing complex changes in a vast codebase poses significant challenges, where the oversight of nuanced logic becomes increasingly probable. This scenario underscores the benefits of strong typing and compile-time checks in languages like Rust. Such tools not only facilitate more mindful refactoring but also preemptively identify potential logic flaws through exhaustive condition checks.

Leveraging Rust’s match statement for exhaustive enumeration handling exemplifies the strategic advantage of strong typing:

enum ToolAvailability {

// Before: Using a binary condition guard, without compiler warning when the enum changes
if tool.availability == ToolAvailability::Missing {
} else {

// After: Using a multi-state condition guard, with compiler warning when the enum changes
use ToolAvailability::*;
match tool.availability {
    InStock => schedule_production(),
    OutOfStock => delay_production(),
    // [Error] missing match arm: `OnOrder` not covered

This example illustrates how Rust’s type system and compiler checks can act as a guardian against common refactoring pitfalls, ensuring that each potential state is considered and appropriately handled. Such practices not only enhance code reliability but also elevate the overall quality of software development by making the code more adaptable to future business needs.

An Ounce of Prevention: Enumerations and Proper Data Modeling

The transition from a Boolean to a multi-state system underscores a critical principle in software development: the importance of correct data modeling from the outset. While it’s impossible to predict every future requirement, embracing flexible data structures can mitigate the need for extensive refactoring down the line.

Enums present a robust alternative to Booleans when there’s even a hint of future complexity. An enum can start with two states, much like a Boolean, but it has the inherent capacity to expand later. For example, a ToolAvailability enum could initially have Missing and InStock states, with OnOrder easily added later.

Code Example: Migrating from Boolean to Enum

enum ToolAvailability {
struct Tool {
    // is_available: bool,
    availability: ToolAvailability,

Embracing Change with Grace

Transitioning from Boolean values to a more nuanced system for more complex business needs shows the fluid nature of software development. It highlights not just the technical challenges of changing business logic but also the strategic foresight required in data modeling. By opting for data structures that allow for growth and evolution, developers can satisfy new requirements more easily.

In conclusion, while Booleans might offer an alluring simplicity for representing binary states, real-world applications sooner or later often call for more flexible solutions. By adopting enums and emphasizing thoughtful data modeling, developers can build software that not only meets the needs of today but is also prepared for the uncertainties of tomorrow.

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